有時,一個神秘的流浪者會來找木頭或毛皮。他們說如果你給他們(100 或 500),他們會回來更多。這種說法多久是真的?建造者不確定他們是否值得信任。
一個神秘的流浪者帶著一輛手推車來到這裡。他要木頭,並承諾會帶回更多。玩家可以選擇忽略它們,給予 100 根木頭有 50% 的機率在 1 分鐘內收到 300 根木頭,或者給予 500 根木頭有 30% 的機率在 1 分鐘內收到 1500 根木頭。
一個神秘的流浪者帶著一輛手推車來到這裡。她要毛皮,並承諾會帶回更多。玩家可以選擇忽略它們,給予 100 毛皮有 50% 的機率在 1 分鐘內收到 300 毛皮,或者給予 500 毛皮有 30% 的機率在 1 分鐘內收到 1500 毛皮。
- 給予 100 木材/毛皮有 50% 的機會返回 300。
- 給予 500 木材/毛皮有 30% 的機會返回 1500。
{ /* Mysterious Wanderer -- wood gambling */ title: _('The Mysterious Wanderer'), isAvailable: function() { return Engine.activeModule == Room && $SM.get('stores.wood'); }, scenes: { start: { text: [ _('a wanderer arrives with an empty cart. says if he leaves with wood, he\'ll be back with more.'), _("builder's not sure he's to be trusted.") ], notification: _('a mysterious wanderer arrives'), blink: true, buttons: { '100wood': { text: _('give 100'), cost: {wood: 100}, nextScene: { 1: '100wood'} }, '500wood': { text: _('give 500'), cost: {wood: 500}, nextScene: { 1: '500wood' } }, 'deny': { text: _('turn him away'), nextScene: 'end' } } }, '100wood': { text: [ _('the wanderer leaves, cart loaded with wood') ], onLoad: function() { if(Math.random() < 0.5) { Engine.setTimeout(function() { $SM.add('stores.wood', 300); Notifications.notify(Room, _('the mysterious wanderer returns, cart piled high with wood.')); }, 60 * 1000); } }, buttons: { 'leave': { text: _('say goodbye'), nextScene: 'end' } } }, '500wood': { text: [ _('the wanderer leaves, cart loaded with wood') ], onLoad: function() { if(Math.random() < 0.3) { Engine.setTimeout(function() { $SM.add('stores.wood', 1500); Notifications.notify(Room, _('the mysterious wanderer returns, cart piled high with wood.')); }, 60 * 1000); } }, buttons: { 'leave': { text: _('say goodbye'), nextScene: 'end' } } } } }, { /* Mysterious Wanderer -- fur gambling */ title: _('The Mysterious Wanderer'), isAvailable: function() { return Engine.activeModule == Room && $SM.get('stores.fur'); }, scenes: { start: { text: [ _('a wanderer arrives with an empty cart. says if she leaves with furs, she\'ll be back with more.'), _("builder's not sure she's to be trusted.") ], notification: _('a mysterious wanderer arrives'), blink: true, buttons: { '100fur': { text: _('give 100'), cost: {fur: 100}, nextScene: { 1: '100fur'} }, '500fur': { text: _('give 500'), cost: {fur: 500}, nextScene: { 1: '500fur' } }, 'deny': { text: _('turn her away'), nextScene: 'end' } } }, '100fur': { text: [ _('the wanderer leaves, cart loaded with furs') ], onLoad: function() { if(Math.random() < 0.5) { Engine.setTimeout(function() { $SM.add('stores.fur', 300); Notifications.notify(Room, _('the mysterious wanderer returns, cart piled high with furs.')); }, 60 * 1000); } }, buttons: { 'leave': { text: _('say goodbye'), nextScene: 'end' } } }, '500fur': { text: [ _('the wanderer leaves, cart loaded with furs') ], onLoad: function() { if(Math.random() < 0.3) { Engine.setTimeout(function() { $SM.add('stores.fur', 1500); Notifications.notify(Room, _('the mysterious wanderer returns, cart piled high with furs.')); }, 60 * 1000); } }, buttons: { 'leave': { text: _('say goodbye'), nextScene: 'end' } } } } },