
cookie clicker 的秘密成就是什麼?

  • December 19, 2017

cookie clicker 中的某些成就僅顯示為“???” 描述,有時也作為名稱。他們的名字和要求是什麼?




Row|Column| Achievement                 | Criteria
**1 | 1 | Wake and bake | Bake 1 cookie**
**1 | 2 | Making some dough | Bake 100 cookies**
**1 | 3 | So baked right now | Bake 1,000 cookies**
**1 | 4 | Fledgling bakery | Bake 10,000 cookies**
**1 | 5 | Affluent bakery | Bake 100,000 cookies**
**1 | 6 | World-famous bakery | Bake 1,000,000 cookies**
**1 | 7 | Cosmic bakery | Bake 10,000,000 cookies**
**1 | 8 | Galactic bakery | Bake 100,000,000 cookies**
**2 | 1 | Universal bakery | Bake 1,000,000,000 cookies**
**2 | 2 | Timeless bakery | Bake 5,000,000,000 cookies**
**2 | 3 | Infinite bakery | Bake 10,000,000,000 cookies**
**2 | 4 | Immortal bakery | Bake 50,000,000,000 cookies**
**2 | 5 | You can stop now | Bake 100,000,000,000 cookies**
**2 | 6 | Cookies all the way down | Bake 500,000,000,000 cookies**
**2 | 7 | Overdose | Bake 1,000,000,000,000 cookies**
**2 | 8 | How? | Bake 10,000,000,000,000 cookies**
**3 | 1 | Casual baking | Bake 1 cookie per second.**
**3 | 2 | Hardcore baking | Bake 10 cookies per second.**
**3 | 3 | Steady tasty stream | Bake 100 cookies per second.**
**3 | 4 | Cookie monster | Bake 1,000 cookies per second.**
**3 | 5 | Mass producer | Bake 10,000 cookies per second.**
**3 | 6 | Cookie vortex | Bake 100,000 cookies per second.**
**3 | 7 | Cookie pulsar | Bake 1,000,000 cookies per second.**
**3 | 8 | Cookie quasar | Bake 10,000,000 cookies per second.**
**4 | 1 | A world filled with cookies | Bake 100,000,000 cookies per second.**
**4 | 2 | Let's never bake again | Bake 1,000,000,000 cookies per second.**
4 |   3  | Clicktastic                 | Make 1,000 cookies from clicking.
4 |   4  | Clickathlon                 | Make 100,000 cookies from clicking.
4 |   5  | Clickolympics               | Make 10,000,000 cookies from clicking.
4 |   6  | Clickorama                  | Make 1,000,000,000 cookies from clicking.
4 |   7  | Clickasmic                  | Make 100,000,000,000 cookies from clicking.
4 |   8  | Click                       | Have 1 cursor.
5 |   1  | Double-click                | Have 2 cursors.
5 |   2  | Mouse wheel                 | Have 50 cursors.
5 |   3  | Of Mice and Men             | Have 100 cursors.
5 |   4  | The Digital                 | Have 200 cursors.
**5 | 5 | Just wrong | Sell a grandma.**
5 |   6  | Grandma's cookies           | Have 1 grandma.
5 |   7  | Sloppy kisses               | Have 50 grandmas.
5 |   8  | Retirement home             | Have 100 grandmas.
6 |   1  | Friend of the ancients      | Have 150 grandmas.
6 |   2  | Ruler of the ancients       | Have 200 grandmas.
**6 | 3 | Elder | Own every grandma type. (*Antigrandmas not neccesary*)**
6 |   4  | My first farm               | Have 1 farm.
6 |   5  | Reap what you sow           | Have 50 farms.
6 |   6  | Farm ill                    | Have 100 farms.
6 |   7  | Production chain            | Have 1 factory.
6 |   8  | Industrial revolution       | Have 50 factories.
7 |   1  | Global warming              | Have 100 factories.
7 |   2  | You know the drill          | Have 1 mine.
7 |   3  | Excavation site             | Have 50 mines.
7 |   4  | Hollow the planet           | Have 100 mines.
7 |   5  | Expedition                  | Have 1 shipment.
7 |   6  | Galactic highway            | Have 50 shipments.
7 |   7  | Far far away                | Have 100 shipments.
7 |   8  | Transmutation               | Have 1 alchemy lab.
8 |   1  | Transmogrification          | Have 50 alchemy labs.
8 |   2  | Gold member                 | Have 100 alchemy labs.
8 |   3  | A whole new world           | Have 1 portal.
8 |   4  | Now you're thinking         | Have 50 portals.
8 |   5  | Dimensional shift           | Have 100 portals.
8 |   6  | Time warp                   | Have 1 time machine.
8 |   7  | Alternate timeline          | Have 50 time machines.
8 |   8  | Rewriting history           | Have 100 time machines.
9 |   1  | Antibatter                  | Have 1 antimatter condenser.
9 |   2  | Quirky quarks               | Have 50 antimatter condensers.
9 |   3  | It does matter!             | Have 100 antimatter condensers.
**9 | 4 | Builder | Own 100 buildings.**
**9 | 5 | Architect | Own 400 buildings.**
**9 | 6 | Engineer | Own 800 buildings.**
**9 | 7 | Enhancer | Purchase 20 upgrades.**
**9 | 8 | Augmenter | Purchase 50 upgrades.**
**10| 1 | Upgrader | Purchase 100 upgrades.**
**10| 2 | One with everything | Have at least 1 of every building.**
**10| 3 | Mathematician | Have at least 1 antimatter condenser, 2 time machines, 4 portals, 8 alchemy labs and so on (*128 farms, grandmas, and cursors*)**
**10| 4 | Base 10 | Have at least 10 antimatter condensers, 20 time machines, 30 portals, 40 alchemy labs and so on.**
**10| 5 | Centennial | Have at least 100 of everything.**
**10| 6 | Golden cookie | Click a golden cookie.**
**10| 7 | Lucky cookie | Click 7 golden cookies.**
**10| 8 | A stroke of luck | Click 27 golden cookies.**
**11| 1 | Fortune | Click 77 golden cookies.**
**11| 2 | Leprechaun | Click 777 golden cookies.**
**11| 3 | Cookie-dunker | Dunk the cookie.**
**11| 4 | Elder nap | Appease the grandmatriarchs at least once.**
**11| 5 | Elder slumber | Appease the grandmatriarchs at least 5 times.**
**11| 6 | Elder calm | Declare a covenant with the grandmatriarchs.**
**11| 7 | Sacrifice | Reset your game with 1,000,000 cookies baked.**
**11| 8 | Oblivion | Reset your game with 1,000,000,000 cookies baked.**
**12| 1 | From scratch | Reset your game with 1,000,000,000,000 cookies baked.**
**12| 2 | Nihilism | Reset your game with 1,000,000,000,000,000 cookies baked.**
**12| 3 | Uncanny clicker | Click really, really fast.**
**12| 4 | Neverclick | Make 1 million cookies by only having clicked the big cookie 15 times.(*Previously Shadow achievement*)**



  • 黑貓爪子:點擊7777金曲奇。
  • 被騙的餅乾味道很糟糕:加入一些餅乾。
  • 神情結3:命名自己為 Orteil。
  • Hardcore 1:無需購買升級即可獲得 1,000,000,000 個烘焙餅乾。
  • 快速烘焙 I 1:在不到 35 分鐘的播放時間內烘焙 1,000,000 個餅乾。
  • 速度烘焙 II 1:在不到 25 分鐘的播放時間內獲得 1,000,000 塊餅乾。
  • 快速烘焙 III 1:在不到 15 分鐘的播放時間內烘焙 1,000,000 個餅乾。
  • True Neverclick:製作您的前 1,000,000 個 cookie,無需任何大 cookie 點擊。
  • 只是簡單的幸運3:您每秒有 500,000 次機會獲得此成就。
  • 與烤箱保持平衡2:在工廠地牢中擊敗 Sentient Furnace。
  • 現在這是 pod-smashing 2:在工廠地牢中擊敗 Ascended Baking Pod。
  • 啁啾2:找到並擊敗功能失調的警報機器人啁啾。
  • 跟隨白兔2:找到並擊敗難以捉摸的糖兔。


2僅適用於 1.037 beta 3這些成就的圖示不顯示



  • 長者(擁有所有類型的奶奶)不需要反奶奶
  • Cookie-dunker (Dunk the cookie) 要求您重新調整螢幕大小。
  • Uncanny Clicker(快速點擊)您需要在三分之一秒或更短的時間內點擊 5 次
  • “用 X 塊烘焙的餅乾重置你的遊戲”是級聯的(即,如果你實現了虛無主義,你也解鎖了其他 3 個)。
  • 真正的 Neverclick(1 百萬 cookie,沒有 cookie 點擊)可以用 2 個 Golden Cookie 來獲得足夠的游標。唯一與此相關的點擊是大 cookie 上的點擊。
  • 被騙的餅乾味道很糟糕,可以通過多種方式進行。那些是產生一個金色餅乾,擁有比總餅乾更多的餅乾,或者只是解鎖成就Game.Win('Cheated cookies taste awful')
