在 Titanfall 中,有一個挑戰和一個成就:
Gooser在彈射時射擊 X 飛行員
我終於用 Arc Cannon + Capacitor 做到了:
This is the most reliable method of getting Gooser kills that I’ve found:
- Equip the Arc Cannon + Capacitor
- Stand just out of nuclear ejection range
- Start charging as the doomed titan starts it’s ejection animation - if you land the dooming hit the next charged hit will be at the top of the pilots ejection parabola.
- Look up before they eject
- Don’t aim with the LT, you’ll hit the pilot if they’re near your white targeting reticle.
- Note how sloppy my aim is - I still get the kill because of the wide area that the fully charged Arc hits.
Doing it this way I got all the Gen 5 Gooser kills within about 10 rounds of Last Titan Standing.
The easiest way is to be in a titan - titan weapons kill pilots fast.
That is, if you can hit them mid-air. Personally I find the Arc Cannon (without capacitor) the best, but some players prefer the Chaingun.
Alternatively you can rodeo a titan - when the pilot ejects you will eject with him. If you got for this method, you’ll probably want the Smart Pistol, RC-101 or an SMG to win the duel.