

  • May 26, 2013


徑向菜單定義在 中Steam\steamapps\common\alien swarm\swarm\scripts\radialmenu.txt,您可以編輯此文件以更改其功能。

徑向菜單有 9 個項目,由它們的位置定義:Center、North、NorthEast 等。每個項目都有命令和文本屬性 - 文本是項目在徑向菜單中的顯示方式,當您在中選擇它時執行命令-遊戲。您可以使用分號連結多個命令。

您可能想要使用的命令是say(後跟一些文本,不需要引號)、cl_emote(後跟其中一個表情程式碼,顯示一個表情)和 cl_chatter(後跟一個聊天程式碼,讓您的海軍陸戰隊員說他的台詞)。


0 - Medic!
1 - Out of ammo
2 - Smile
3 - Hold position
4 - Follow me
5 - Be careful
6 - Anime smile
7 - Ready?

Chatter 程式碼(僅相關程式碼,請參閱此處的完整列表

-1 - miscChat1
0 - acknowledge1
1 - miscChat2
2 - acknowledge2
3 - miscChat3
4 - friendlyFire1
5 - incoming1
6 - moveOut1
7 - holdPosition1
8 - requestAmmo1
9 - noAmmo1
10 - requestMedic1
11 - reloading1
12 - sentryReady1
13 - announceAmmo1
14 - announceMedkit1
15 - thanks1
16 - what1
26 - announceSupplies1
27 - announceAmmoSupplies1
32 - holdingPosition1
33 - northCovered1
34 - southCovered1
35 - eastCovered1
36 - westCovered1
37 - front1
38 - rear1
39 - requestWeld1
40 - requestUnweld1
41 - requestShootDoor1
42 - announceUnweld1
43 - announceWeld1
44 - announceBiomass
45 - objectiveComplete1
46 - warn1
47 - warnShieldbug1
48 - shootBehind1
49 - warnParasite1
50 - requestParasite1
51 - warnEggs1
52 - warnGrenade1          (Cannot be said by Wildcat.)
53 - requestHostile1
54 - tauntSwarm1
55 - doorBreached1
56 - marineDown1
57 - scream1
58 - scream2
59 - scream3
60 - screamFire1
61 - goodJob1              (Cannot be said by Faith, Jaeger, or Wolfe.)
62 - activateStims1
99 - reluctantAgreement1


        "command"   "cl_emote 6; cl_chatter 15; say Thanks mate!"
        "text"      "^_^"
        "command"   "cl_chatter 33"
        "text"      "Covering North"
        "command"   "asw_OrderMarinesFollow"
        "text"      "#asw_speech_go"
        "command"   "cl_chatter 35"
        "text"      "Covering East"
        "command"   "asw_OrderMarinesHold"
        "text"      "#asw_speech_hold"
        "command"   "cl_chatter 34"
        "text"      "Covering South"
        "command"   "cl_chatter 37"
        "text"      "Taking Point"
        "command"   "cl_chatter 36"
        "text"      "Covering West"
        "command"   "cl_emote 5"
        "text"      "#asw_speech_careful"

在這個例子中,中心項目將顯示一個微笑的表情,讓你海軍陸戰隊員說謝謝並寫下“謝謝伙計!” 聊天,主要方向項目將宣布您正在覆蓋這些方向,左上方將顯示警告標誌並讓您的海軍陸戰隊小心,左下方將讓您的海軍陸戰隊宣布他正在採取行動,右上方將顯示“Go”表情右下角將顯示“停止”表情。
