
如何在 2-12 級獲得 3 星?

  • January 26, 2017

我試圖在所有Angry Birds級別都獲得 3 星,但現在我在 1-2-12 級別被困在 2 星。我試了一個多小時,沒有成功。


是否存在可以找到影片或提示如何在每個關卡中獲得 3 星的地方?也很高興知道我需要達到哪個分數才能獲得這些星星。

I’ve always found 3-Star runs for every level i was in trouble with. Try searching for “Angry Birds Level X-Y 3 Star” on youtube if you have trouble with the X-Y level.

Rovio has an official YouTube channel where they post the solutions to every level. Typically, they post them is sets of 5.
