
Sonic 2中是否有“Hyper Sonic”的程式碼?

  • October 15, 2020

我記得在 Sonic 2 的任何時候都在 Super Sonic 的音樂測試中輸入了作弊碼,但我記得有一種方法或作弊碼可以獲得“Hyper Sonic”。有人記得嗎?


在油海中向前奔跑,第 2 幕,直到到達綠色噴射泉。跳上最後一個春天並按住右。索尼克會在卡在牆邊之前擊中一組尖刺。跳出來變成超音速。在這種模式下,索尼克可以比超級索尼克跑得更快,跳得更遠,但也不是無敵的。

這是一個顯示故障的 YouTube 影片:

No, there is no code for Hyper Sonic in Sonic 2.

Hyper Sonic was an exclusive feature of Sonic 3 and Knuckles (requiring the locked-on combination of the two cartridges). The code given in Mana’s answer gives the player a more powerful version of Super Sonic through a bug (which is probably what the asker was enquiring about), but this is not Hyper Sonic.

This character

$$ Hyper Sonic $$ was only available in Sonic 3 & Knuckles and has not been in any game since.

