

  • January 5, 2014

我不是指如何擊敗 Seath 或如何找到他,因為這個問題已經非常詳細地討論過了。


據我所知,關於 Seath 的唯一實際對話只有一句話,就在遊戲開始時——



  • 希思是如何背叛巨龍的?
  • 他是在屠龍之前還是之後失去了鱗片?
  • Priscilla 和 Seath 之間是否有任何联系,除了她幾乎肯定是他的女兒,因為 Seath 是整個大砲中唯一的白化龍(她的母親是誰?)
  • 西斯是怎麼被詛咒的?
  • 他為什麼住在公爵的檔案館裡?(有人認為西斯是公爵)

CrystalBlue 的回答很好地概括了我們在已確認的經典中對 Seath 的了解——儘管我應該指出,我不相信 Seath 是 Priscilla 的父親。這似乎極有可能,社區傾向於認為這是理所當然的,但實際上並沒有在遊戲中得到證實。

EpicNameBro 在他的 Dark Souls Lore 系列(跳到 3:44)中記錄了我們對 Seath 的了解(佳能)和懷疑(非佳能):

Essentially, he’s one messed up dude, much like most of the Dark Souls cast. It’s believed that he betrayed the other dragons because of jealousy, but the nature of his betrayal is unknown- ENB puts forth the idea that Seath stole the Primordial Crystal from the other dragons, which allowed them to be killed by Gwyn and the other Lords. Some believe rather that the crystal was made by Seath in his experiments (though the title ‘Primordial’ seems to contradict this).

Something that Seath learned in his archives while studying immortality drove him to insanity; the same thing happens to Big Hat Logan if you let him poke around inside the archives enough. Again, this knowledge seems to have something to do with crystals.

It’s interesting to note that, at the time you meet him, not only is Seath scaleless and colorless but also sightless and legless. It’s unknown which of these mutilations he was born with, and which of them were caused by his research. Personally, I think that he was born with all of them, going mostly off his appearance in the intro cinematic. His body is partially covered with crystals, however, and this is clearly something that happened to him after he started experimenting with them.

On the subject of Priscilla: Again, ENB goes over this in the video, but the main reasons that people believe Seath is Priscilla’s father are:

-They’re both albino.

-Priscilla lives in the Painted World, a place where forsaken people/objects/magic go. Being the spawn of a dragon (who’s pretty freakish himself) and… something else… would definitely make you fall into this category.

-Seath had a thing for capturing maidens. I’ll let you fill in the blanks.

-Like you said, there doesn’t seem to be many other candidates, especially since Seath is the only dragon known to have lived (at one point peacefully) close to civilization.

If Seath is Priscilla’s father, than that makes pretty much any humanoid (not really human, the people of Anor Londo were more like gods) female a candidate. Gwynevere herself is sometimes considered, along with all of the handmaidens of hers that Seath kidnapped.

(Personally, I can’t help but wonder if Seath would even be capable of fathering an offspring. He doesn’t have any legs, and he’s pretty mutated in almost every other way. Eh. Just a thought.)

There is actually a lot of lore on Dark Souls that you can dig up. Most of it comes from items, like it did in Demon’s Souls. But here’s a quick run-down of Seath The Scaleless.


Seath was born, as his namesake suggests, scaleless. Because of this, he wasn’t granted the same Stone Scales of Immortality and felt anger at the other dragons. Because of this, when Gwyn went to war with the other dragons, he sided with Gwyn to help defeat them. Afterwards, he was named Duke by Lord Gwyn and given his own tower and archives to do magical research. This research, which was to acquire the Scales of Immortality, was fruitless and drove the dragon insane.

He is also considered the grandfather of magic in the world of Dark Souls. He is also the ‘father’ of the Pisaca, Pricille the Half Breed, and the Moonlight Butterflies.
