在我失去獲得機會之前,我應該注意哪些物品?我已經讀過關於這款遊戲如何沒有遺漏的資訊,因為 NG+ 上的一切都再次可用,但是第一次遊戲迭代呢?
玩的不多,刷了世界1的第一個boss(牛肝菌宮),現在在玩世界2的(石牙隧道)。在世界 2 的某個部分,有一個火球將敵人扔到一座橋後面,如果你試圖走過它,橋就會倒塌。橋倒塌後,即使我通過返回連接“重新載入”地圖,它仍然倒塌。在那個敵人旁邊有一個我永遠無法觸及的物品。
首先,正如 Jim Bolia 所指出的,世界有不同的傾向,白色和黑色。這決定了敵人的難度,靈魂掉落等等。然而,在純白世界或純黑世界趨勢中,地圖本身有時會發生變化。新的路徑可能會打開,或者可能會產生額外的(獨特的)敵人。世界趨勢受到多種因素的影響,例如擊敗老闆、死亡、擊敗某些敵人等等。
Decreases enemy HP, attack and defence power Enemies drop fewer upgrade stones Enemies drop more healing items. Attack power is increased in Soul Form. Increases 10% at White, and 20% at Pure White.
Increases enemy HP, attack and defence power Enemies hold more Souls Enemies are more likely to drop rare items The Black Phantoms versions of enemies and NPCs appear in specific locations Black Phantom versions of normal monsters have a 100% drop rate for their primary items. Primeval Demons appear in specific locations in each world. Note that Primeval Demons will appear slightly before a world is Pure Black, so this is not a good way to judge if you have achieved Pure Black World Tendency. This demon will still be there when the world is Pure Black. Your character's maximum HP in Soul Form is reduced.
Positive numbers shift the World Tendency towards White (e.g. +1 means
向純白色世界趨勢邁出一步)負數將世界趨勢向黑色轉變(例如 -1 表示向純黑色世界趨勢邁出一步)
Kill a Demon (boss) in a particular World (+1) Kill the Red Dragon (+1) in 1-2 Kill the Blue Dragon (+1) in 1-4 Kill the Black Phantom Form of one of the 5 special named NPCs that appear in Pure Black World Tendency Defeat Black Phantom Executioner Miralda (+3) in 1-1 Defeat Black Phantom Scirvir, the Wanderer (+3) in 2-2 Defeat Black Phantom Lord Rydell (+3) in 3-1 Defeat Black Phantom Satsuki (+3) in 4-1 Defeat Black Phantom Selen Vinland (+3) in 5-2 Defeat a Primeval Demon (+3) (once per world per game) Defeat Black Phantom NPC (see above) and 1 Primeval Demon without returning to Nexus. (+6) (once per game) Defeat Black Phantom NPC (see above) and Primeval Demon without returning to Nexus, and then defeat 1 Boss. (+7) (once per game) Kill an invading Black Phantom Ressurect a summoned Blue Phantom
Die outside the Nexus while in Body form (-1) Kill Old King Doran (-2) in 1-1 Kill the Body Form of one of the 5 special named NPCs that appear in Pure White World Tendency Kill Body Form Executioner Miralda (-3) in 1-1 Kill Body Form Scirvir, the Wanderer (-3) in 2-2 Kill Blue Phantom Lord Rydell (-3) in 3-1 Kill Body Form Satsuki (-3) in 4-1 Kill Body Form Selen Vinland (-3) in 5-2 Suicide in the Nexus in Body Form (+0) This affects World Tendency in the Nexus, but there are no World Tendency events there. Suicide in the Nexus in Soul Form (+0) Die in any world in Soul Form (+0) Kill the Vanguard (+0) in 4-1
資料來源:http ://demonssouls.wikidot.com/world-tendency
接下來,還有梅菲斯特任務和沈默酋長蒙古包。如果你殺了 Yurt,就會出現 Mephistopheles Quests,並且有Black Character 傾向。她會為你提供刺殺任務以殺死 Nexus 中的許多 NPC,並獎勵你這樣做。其中,唯一獨特的物品是敵人的戒指。應該注意的是,如果你殺死它們,NPC 將**不會重生。**所以在最終boss之前這樣做並不是一個好主意。
蒙古包與上述有關,但略有不同。您會發現他被關在 3-2 中,釋放他後,他將開始殺死 NPC(梅菲斯特希望您殺死的NPC,以及更多)。要解鎖他,您需要通過 3- 採取替代路徑2、所以很可能會想念他。殺死他會獲得暗影套裝。
還有與多蘭老王戰鬥得到的德蒙布蘭特。他位於 World 1-1,您需要 Demonbrandt 才能稍後獲得Northen Regelia。