我怎樣才能在不殺死 NSF 的情況下進入地鐵?
在地鐵入口外的左側,地面上有一個金屬艙口。這個艙口通向一個管道網路,您可以使用它繞過主入口進入地鐵站台。但是,在地鐵站台上避開 NSF 人員的注意仍然是您必須處理的事情。
您可以在此影片中看到 7:56 的艙口位置:
As said by cloudymusic there is a steam vent that you can access to enter the subway. There is a website that contains a detailed walkthrough of the whole game which shows this -
Explore the shanty town. Inside (1) is a chest with a Lockpick, a Multitool and a Candy Bar. Inside (2) is a chest with a Medkit, a Prod Charger, and a flare. Inside (3) you’ll find a Lockpick in a corner. Inside (4) is a steam vent that we will use to enter the subway. The steam vents can also be accessed by opening the indicated panel (inset).