

  • November 15, 2012

在洪水區的中央陸岸,在進入 Daud 基地之前,附近建築物的洪水地下室裡有一個保險箱。我應該在哪裡找到它在遊戲中的組合?

該組合在Rudshore Waterfront Upper Level樓上的一封信中找到。請參閱此影片,了解如何到達那裡:

It is near the first Sokolov painting in the mission:

There is a painting in one of the apartments lining the flooded main street (it might as well be a canal at this point). Stand on the pedestrian bridge and place the “Daud’s Base” marker ahead of you. The apartment is ahead and to your left (the one with the balcony overlooking the water). The room with the painting does not have the assassin and the Station Key, but is the one with a Weeper.

Source - IGN Dishonored guide wiki

The safe combination is:

