如何在 Arx 燃燒的建築中殺死被詛咒的亡靈
我在 Arx 的燃燒建築中遇到了被詛咒的亡魂
到目前為止,我遇到了在 HP 為 0 後最多會重生 3 次的怪物(墓地中有四個人)
這些傢伙無限期地重生,我已經殺死了一個大約 10 次……他只是一次又一次地出現……
如何在 Arx 燃燒的建築中殺死被詛咒的亡靈?
獲得龍捲風咒語(Aero 3),它可以消除受詛咒的火表面,所以在打架之前只需“清理”房間,這將是一個蛋糕……
Also first give bless to all of your team and have source points ready.
I went North to Northeast section of building first ad cleared it all. Then you get to fight all 4 of them in the south part that is closer to the entrance..
Go to the second floor and use tornado or bless the ground under the guy and cast rain… then just kill him, if he makes new necrofire surfaces deal with them first then rinse and repeat
I have also made a video…
Hope this saves you some time