

  • March 12, 2019

在玩勇者鬥惡龍 11 時,我在 Gallopolis 遇到了一個建議對我“噗噗”的女人。我同意了,她把我(一個人)帶到了一個房間,然後螢幕變暗,當光線恢復時,原來“噗噗”是由一個戴著頭盔的巨大肌肉男完成的。






您所指的特定場景是對勇者鬥惡龍 III 中類似場景的引用。主角被街上的舞者吹了一口氣。如果被接受,她會將角色帶到她家並單獨帶他上樓。她讓他坐在床上,關掉燈,然後噗噗開始。無論發生什麼,感覺都很好!但是當燈光重新亮起時,你會看到她的父親在床邊,我們知道他正在……按摩角色的肩膀。嗯,和我們預期的不太一樣。


While Lee’s answer is quite correct in that in the games itself it can vary and mostly used for comedic effect with things like slimes (DQ8) and sheep (DQ9), this is a well-known trope with the busty-types in Japanese media, and usually associated with what they tend to catalog as ‘Onee-kei’ (お姉系), or big sisters. It’s probably why you see dancers and such kind of characters use the term, but not limited to (I think it can be used as a skill by male characters, too.)

Probably thanks to Toriyama in Dragon Ball (NSFW?) and Dragon Quest, it’s a type of onomatopoeic word now in common parlace taken to mean ’the soft sensation of squishing someone’s face in between two soft mounds’, e.g. breasts.

Its usage is not limited to relatively safe video games and anime, so keep that in mind if any other research is to be done. You can see illustrations of the act in Pixiv’s entry for the tag, of course, these can be NSFW due to the nature of the topic.
