
Fallout 4 1.03 更新檔是否修復了與無限建築相關的故障?

  • February 22, 2016

在主機(PS4/Xbox One)上安裝了 1.03 更新檔的人可以驗證這一點嗎?


  1. 無限資源

這是通過清空車間並在您的庫存中僅包含貨物(至少 5 個)來完成的。然後儲存所有垃圾’並在貨物變成原材料之前快速’全部拿走’。您可能會或可能不會被要求確認全部接受,因此請準備好快速確認。 2. 無限建構大小




這就是為什麼我正在尋找已經安裝了 1.03 版並且仍然可以解決故障的人的實際證據。我花時間為故障編寫說明,以便有人可以嘗試一下。

我不小心將我的遊戲更新到 1.03 並且故障仍然有效。

這段影片在一個連續鏡頭中顯示了驗收所需的所有 3 項:

  1. 已安裝 1.03 版的證明:(0:00)
  2. 證明無限資源故障仍然有效 (0:15)
  3. 證明無限建構容量故障仍然有效 (0:40)

Looking at the patch notes on the wiki, is does not look like these “features” were removed in this patch. The full list can be found here.

Below are the workshop related fixes as listed:

  • Fixed a bug that would cause settler counts to appear incorrectly
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the player from setting up a supply line in settlements with a high population
  • Improvements to snapping pieces together while in Workshop mode
  • Fixed an issue that caused powered items to stop functioning permanently if its power source was ever removed
  • Player can now build workbenches in their Diamond City house
  • Building wires no longer uses up copper
  • Fixed issue with certain settlement attacks not generating properly
  • Fixed an issue with settlement happiness calculations
  • Settlers assigned to weapons stand will now stand next to it
  • Diamond City house now shows provided power
  • Repairing items will now correctly consume resources
  • Fixed an issue where companion would ignore commands at workshop locations
  • Fixed an issue with crops appearing destroyed after saving and reloading
