原始輻射 1 中的力量 1
我在輻射 3 中從來都不是一個堅強的角色,因為擁有它是一項非常無聊的技能(“哇,我可以攜帶更多垃圾”)。我也認為運氣也很無聊,我認為我犯了一個巨大的錯誤,讓我在輻射 1 中的角色擁有 1 種力量和 1 種運氣。
You are not strong enough to use this weapon properly You missed You are not strong enough to use this weapon properly You missed You are not strong enough to use this weapon properly You missed You are not strong enough to use this weapon properly You missed You are not strong enough to use this weapon properly You missed You are not strong enough to use this weapon properly You missed You are not strong enough to use this weapon properly You missed You are not strong enough to use this weapon properly You missed You are not strong enough to use this weapon properly You missed You are not strong enough to use this weapon properly You missed You are not strong enough to use this weapon properly You missed You are not strong enough to use this weapon properly You missed You are not strong enough to use this weapon properly You missed You are not strong enough to use this weapon properly You missed You are not strong enough to use this weapon properly You missed Cav Rat was hit for 8 hit points and was killed
這太荒謬了。我在這個遊戲中投入了大約 4 個小時,在垃圾城等閒逛,我真的不想創造一個新角色。我有哪些選擇?無論如何增加力量和運氣?
Strength: 01 Perception: 04 Endourance: 08 Charisma: 06 Intelligence: 10 Agility: 10 Luck: 1
- T-51b 動力裝甲增加 3 點力量。
- 假設玩家負擔得起,鋼鐵兄弟會可以執行一項將力量增加 1 的操作。
- Buffout 暫時增加 2 點力量。
- 幾個津貼增加力量。當玩家的生命值低於 50% 時,Adrenaline Rush 會提高 1 點力量。Gain perk 可用於將力量提高 1。一些 Perk 在檢查修飾符時會提高力量。呼呼!為投擲武器提高 2 點力量。武器處理將力量提高 3 點,以檢查使用武器所需的最低力量。
- Bruiser 特質將力量提高 2 點,但會降低玩家的 AP。
- Chuck in the Boneyard - Adytum 可以通過塔羅牌的奧秘將你的運氣永久增加 1 點。