您如何在 Forza Horizo n 3 中獲得車輪旋轉?
- 第一種方法是升級。每次升級都會給你一個輪子旋轉,最高到 1000 級。在 1000 級之後,每 200000 exp 會給你另一個輪子旋轉。
- 借助節日 Boss 技能樹中的“再次旋轉”特權,可獲得 5 個特權點,您可以一次購買無限的額外車輪旋轉 50,000 CR。VIP 雙倍積分獎勵不適用於這些轉輪。
- 獎勵時間、旋轉球嚮導、幸運命中、手指交叉和推動你的運氣都給你額外的 1 輪旋轉。再次,VIP 雙倍積分獎勵不適用。
- 一些 Forzathon 賽事還會為滿足某些條件而提供額外的車輪轉盤。例如,最新的 Forzathorn(截至 2016 年 11 月 16 日)為進行 5 次滾桶提供了 3 次輪轉。VIP 雙倍積分獎勵確實適用於這些轉輪。
目前通過升級獲得 Wheelspins 的最佳方法是通過以下方法:
At higher levels, if your only goal is to get wheelspins, you are much better off going for credits (by doing laps of Goliath with a Credits boost HE car) and purchasing wheelspins at 50,000 credits a time. For example, the above exp getting method results in around 7.5 wheelspins per hour. Doing 6 laps of Goliath (around an hours work) results in around 20 wheelspins.
I decided to convert my comment into an answer as I played a good amount of F3H this weekend and confirmed that I didn’t receive a wheelspin from just finishing a race.
You will receive a wheelspin anytime you level up. If you level up from the xp earned during a race, it will automatically spin for you. If you gain more than 1 level from the xp, you will only spin once.
If you level up in freeroam, you will be given the option to spin or it’ll be kept for later under the ‘Progress’ tab.
Currently, it appears that there is no max level as the highest I have seen on FH3 was 280-something. If there are no max levels, then you would continue to level up and you would continue to receive wheelspins.
You also can receive a few additional wheelspins (limited) by unlocking the wheelspin bonus skill in the far right skill tree.