
Skinny Pete 在 El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie 中玩什麼遊戲?

  • October 22, 2019

El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie (2019) 中,角色 Skinny Pete 被視為正在玩一款駕駛或賽車遊戲,而 HUD 已禁用。這部電影按照《絕命毒師》的時間線設定在 2010 年 9 月(在《絕命毒師》的最後一集之後立即繼續)。

What is the name of this game?

Putting in a vote for Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (2010). The following video shows the Boulder Desert environment, which seems to show the same road style and graphics:

It seems they’ve managed to turn the HUD off, and have a nose-mounted camera angle from the game.

EDIT: As a note, I realized that NFS: Hot Pursuit was actually released in November 2010, which would be 2 months before El Camino’s events. Could just be an oversight on the producer’s part, but who knows.

EDIT 2: Watch the video from 1:05 on. Pete is definitely not actively playing the “game”, as he turns the stick hard right, and the car on screen turns left.

Given the lack of HUD, the controller being turned off, the unusual camera perspective, the extremely generic setting, and the lack of any real player feedback when hitting the rocks, I’m sure this is not a real game, but a pre-rendered computer animation.
