這些 Pixels 中的忍者來自什麼電子遊戲?
正如 JoshDM 在Movies.SE上所問的那樣:
在電影Pixels中,Josh Gad 的角色與幾個正在襲擊校車的赤壁忍者戰鬥。我不知道這些忍者來自什麼電子遊戲。
它們來自什麼遊戲,或者它們來自像“麗莎夫人”角色這樣的虛構遊戲,還是來自 1980 年代的流行文化,就像藍精靈一樣?
忍者來自為電影製作的假 80 年代電子遊戲,名為 Dojo Quest:
Here’s an article about the licensed games in the movie:
The filmmakers licensed characters from real-world video games for the movie, but they opted to craft a fictional title starring a ninja-fighting heroine named Lady Lisa (played by Ashley Benson), who serves as an unconventional love interest for Gad’s character. To promote “Pixels,” Sony released a side-scrolling mobile game resembling “Dojo Quest.”
“Lady Lisa was in the first draft of the script, and I thought it would be fun to create just one game that didn’t exist back in the ’80s,” said Columbus. “It never occurred to me not to do it. I felt like we could get away with it. A character like Lara Croft could’ve worked, but I loved the fact that Josh Gad’s character has been pining for this woman all his life.”