儘管我進行了數小時的搜尋,但我無法具體辨識此連結(因為在 20 款遊戲中出現了 12 個不同的連結,不包括動畫):
這個特定的 gif 來自哪個遊戲/電影/動畫?(獎勵:這是哪個英雄?)
我想說這要麼是天空英雄,要麼是來自 Hyrule Warriors 的 Link,但不確定。
這個 gif 來自 Youtube 上的粉絲製作的短片“Racing for Rupees”:
The moment appears around the 3:30 mark.
Given that the gif only shows a very restricted shot of Link, it’s hard to say for certain, but I believe this is the Link from Hyrule Warriors, based on the graphics and art style.
As you can see below, he has the same haircut, the same chain mail armor, and the same shirt beneath the armor. Only the scarf is different. Maybe he’s just not currently wearing his scarf in the gif?