

  • July 2, 2021

我最近在玩一款名為Avenging Spirit的老式街機遊戲,它的主角有點類似於任天堂的柯比。它具有“佔有”遊戲機制,玩家可以完全控制幾乎任何敵人並控制他們。


作為參考,Avenging Spirit 於 1991 年出現在街機上。這並不是第一款使用控球作為遊戲機制的遊戲。

使用佔有作為遊戲機制的最古老的遊戲似乎是由 Bothtec 於 1986 年 2 月發布的*“Relics” 。*

TV Tropes 有一個專門介紹這個機制的頁面;身體衝浪。有時,機制更多地是故事的一個元素,但影片遊戲下的大多數列表都詳細介紹了提供這種機制的遊戲。復仇之魂是最先列出的例子之一。



在進一步調查中,Moby Games 將標題列為 1986 年首次發布。它還提供了對機制的更好描述:

Relics 是一款動作冒險遊戲,玩家在其中扮演可以擁有不同角色的精神角色。**…**玩家可以在殺死自己的主人後擁有其他身體


它絕對是名單上最古老的遊戲,而且我找不到任何其他競爭者,所以看起來最早使用角色佔有作為機制的遊戲是 1986 年 2 月推出的 Bothtec 的*“Relics”*。

Honourable Mentions

Here are some other video games that used possession as a gameplay mechanic.

“Relics: Ankoku Yōsai”

The sequel to “Relics” came out one year later, in 1987. It was released to the NES, and while it still inherited the possession mechanic from its prequel, the mechanic was more limited. Rather than being able to swap bodies on the fly, players would need to meet certain conditions, first.

“Glory of Heracles IV: Gift from the Gods”

The fourth title in the “Glory of Heracles” series was released in 1994. In this game, the player is given the ability to possess others to help them fight, after being trapped in Pandora’s box and turned into a dog.

“Super Mario Odyssey”

While certainly not the first, “Super Mario Odyssey” is a more recent and well known title that uses this mechanic. In this game, Mario teams up with a sentient hat, named Cappy.

Much of the game centres around solving puzzles by possessing other characters. Characters are possessed by throwing Cappy at them, and most (if not all) of the games enemies are controllable.

The “Prototype” Series

Again, we have a much more recent title, but this one also works a little bit differently. In the “Prototype” series, you are absorbing NPCs, rather than possessing them. You still take on their likeness and memories, so one could argue the similarities between the two.

This is used as a mechanic, where you need to absorb particular NPCs to obtain their appearance, memories or particular skills. While not exactly possession, it is a similar mechanic, and is an interesting example for comparison.
