
你真的能在 Halo 中躲避星盟巡邏隊嗎?

  • January 14, 2021

在 Halo Combat Evolved 中,我從未成功躲避在第 2 章開始時尋找倖存者的巡邏隊




事實上,你可以避開巡邏女妖和 Spirit Dropship。它需要耐心和沿著路徑從一棵樹到另一棵樹偷偷摸摸。下面是一個 Youtube 影片(它很舊而且相當滯後,但它顯示了它)。詳細說明動作。

You have two choices there:

  1. Cross the bridge, get into a V shaped corner and then start hitting one of the ships with assault rifle. The second one will go away once one ship falls. If you lose significant health, defeat the aliens near your capsule and get the health boost and come back to the original V corner to move upwards.
  2. Cross the bridge and keep moving upwards ignoring the patrol ships and the aliens behind. Jumping can speed you up. Engage in the fight with the aliens you meet uphill and the patrol ships would go away.
