我在零保護倡議(Lv. 9),似乎無法越過這個區域。由於某種原因,字母塊通過了我的“如果為零則跳轉命令”並轉到發件箱導致失敗。
What am I doing wrong here?
It’s not the letters that are causing it. It’s the “Inbox” on line 4.
After getting a non-zero number, the program continues to line 3 and stores it (no idea why- this isn’t helping). It then takes an input on line 4, then outputs it on line 5 regardless of what it is.
The program breaks whenever it gets two non-zeroes in a row. Even if you got lucky and got an input that never had two non-zeroes, it would still fail (solutions need to be valid for any input sequence).
I don’t want to give away the solution, but the program can and probably should have only one input.