

  • July 17, 2019

在 Snake Eater 中,有一個梯子比其他梯子要長得多。它發生在與 The End 的 Boss 戰鬥之後,因為 Snake 即將進入山區:

In meters, feet, and game units, how large is this ladder?

According to user DrkAndStormy on Reddit, it’s about 412 feet (125 meters) high:

After looking closely at footage and playing it back and what not, it turns out Naked Snake makes his way up 3 bars in a single second. The entire climb takes 1 minute and 47 seconds. After a bit of math, you’ll find Snake climbed a total of 321 bars. If Naked Snake is 6'5", then that means he is roughly the height of 5 bars on the ladder. With the knowledge that there are 321 bars, and each 5 bars are roughly 77 inches tall, we can say Naked Snake climbed 411.95 feet worth of ladder.

That’s assuming a lot of variables, but seems to be a decent estimate.

Also this.
