在 Minecraft 中,我如何追踪有多少生物還活著?
我一直在建構一個 Minecraft 地圖,你可以在其中與蜜蜂戰鬥(是的,我知道我是一個冷酷的人),我正在嘗試找出一種方法,以便在有一定數量時停止產生更多的蜜蜂(我不’不想讓玩家不知所措)如果這有幫助,這裡是一些遊戲玩法的影片:
It seems that some people have misunderstood so I will elaborate on some points:
1.each bee is summoned by a command block every 24 Redstone ticks (~2.4 seconds)
2.I am planning on publishing this map
3.This is a very early prototype with plenty of room for improvement
Here is a video showing the redstone:
I figured out that if I summon an armor stand on a pressure plate(heavy) every time a bee is summoned it tells me how many bees there and once a certain amount of bees are summoned I can make things happen:
If you could simply be watching while people played this you could turn off mob spawning once a certain number of mobs spawn. However, this only works if you are not intending to publish this creation.
I’d look it up and see if there is a way to use command blocks to do this, because I am not the best at the technical side of Minecraft.
Edit: I realized my answer doesn’t make sense. If you were going to be there you could just as easily break the beehives or use a /kill command and teleport the players. You could do some calculations and figure out how long it takes, on average, for that many bees to spawn and run a command block to break the beehives after that amount of time, but this method seems very difficult. As a last resort you could change your mini game so that this isn’t a problem.