

  • December 29, 2019

無論他是在速度或治療之間進行交叉淡入淡出,還是使用 Amp It Up,當他四處走動時,都會播放一首聽得見的歌曲。非常明顯的是,播放了兩首歌曲:一首在他處於治療模式時,另一首在速度模式中。


I’ve looked in the Overwatch official OST and cannot find the songs listed anywhere. What songs is Lucio playing as he jams along?

The songs are from Lúcio’s (No longer fictional) album, Synaesthesia Auditiva.

The “healing” song is “Rejuvenescência”. The “movement speed” song is “We Move Together As One”.

No, Lúcio’s ability songs are not in the official soundtrack, but you can download them on Blizzard’s Overwatch press page.

Scroll down until you see two WAV files. Those are what you’re looking for. You might want to convert them to something more handy, like FLAC, though.
