

  • September 4, 2019

在 PM:TTYD 中,我想在第 2 章之後,​​有一段讓人想起舊的超級瑪利歐兄弟,但你扮演的是 Bowser

(如果你不知道我在說什麼,Game Grumps 剛剛通過那部分,大約在 8 分鐘後開始)

There is a timer going down, just like in the old days. They made the timer way to high, so it seems impossible to not finish the level in the allowed time.

But if you just stay there, and let that timer run out. What happens? Game over?

While I didn’t tested this, I think that it will lead to dying and restarting the level. There are few more ways to die on those levels, including running into enemies and falling into lava (on last level).

But there must be a joke or something in there.

Well, Bowser will say random reply (“Ready to roll!”, etc.) each time you restart at level start screen. There are few of them and I find them pretty hilarious.

UPD: I checked this out, turned out I was 100% correct.
