在發薪日 2 中的大象框架搶劫案中,您必須從美術館偷取精選的畫作,將它們賣給參議員的人,然後陷害參議員。
- 至少一名具有支配能力的機組人員,
- 至少一名具有清潔能力的船員能夠處理屍體,
- 一名具有ECM 超速駕駛能力的機組人員迅速進入安保室
- 帶有Catburglar的機組人員是可選的,可以使用主動雷射進入房間
如果一切順利,您將在不觸發警報的情況下進出,您將獲得成就 - 將自己畫入角落。
Day Two
Mission Objective
Get the paintings to the buyer, get the cash to the van.
The Plan
The plan is simple - get the paintings out of the back of your van, into a train car nearby that has a ringing phone in it. Answer the phone to start the deal with the buyer and he will request that you all get into the train car and throw the paintings out through the roof.
For each painting delivered, you will get a bag of cash. Don’t throw the last painting out until you’ve got all of the bags of cash over to the door at the far end of the train car as doing so will start the next section of the mission. Get the cash out of the train car and head towards the getaway van - ensuring that any civilians who see you are controlled quickly, or several ECM jammers are used to stop anybody phoning the police.
If you happen to get all nine paintings on day one, you’ll get an achievement once you’ve completed trading the bags - Big Deal.
Here is a video of day two being almost stealthed:
Day Three
Mission Objective
The objective of day three is to break into the senator’s house, steal five of his personal gadgets that can be used to gain access to his desktop computer, use the computer to gain access to the vault, plant cocaine in the vault and (optionally) steal all of the gold.
The paintings you stole on day one have been fitted with cameras, which can be viewed using a laptop on the roof. During the first stage of the heist you will want one of your crew members watching these cameras constantly, marking guards and locating the senator’s gadgets.
The Plan
You’re going to break into the senator’s house, take out the first four guards and answer their pagers - dispose of the bags on the roof near the start so that nobody will find them. The fifth guard will need shouting down. You can mix this up a bit - if you get an opportunity to shout down a guard in a part of the house that nobody else is going to go, or within a timeframe where the other guards will not be a problem, then do so.
You will need the following abilities between your crew:
- at least one crew member with the Cleaner ability aced to dispose of bodies,
- at least one crew member with the Dominate ability
There isn’t a security room in the house so you can’t directly take control of the house cameras. You can, however, melee them to break them and clear yourself a path to the vault.
Find the five gadgets and take them to the laptop on the roof, which will allow Bain to unlock the desktop computer in the office upstairs. At this point you’ll need to assign a crew member to use the computer, as it is used to open the vault and also temporarily disable the lasers in the vault.
Once the vault is open, you’ll need to turn off the lasers with the desktop computer - these will only stay off for around 15 seconds but they will beep several times before reactivating.
Once you’ve got the gold out to the vault it should be a simple case of transporting it all to the exit point on the roof. If all goes well, you’ll be in and out without triggering an alarm and you’ll get an achievement - I Wasn’t Even There!
Here is a video of day three being stealthed: