

  • August 20, 2019

您如何解鎖植物大戰殭屍 2 中的第四世界???前3個世界的72顆星我都拿到了,但我好像進不了第4個世界。





Far Future 於 2014 年 3 月 27 日發布


未來是……現在!遙遠的未來,現在可在#PvZ2 中使用!

You can unlock it like the other worlds; i.e. paying $ 4.99 or using a World Key obtained by defeating the 8th level of any of the previously unlocked worlds.</p>


<p>To preemptively answer similar questions about future worlds… If the world in question has a giant padlock on it, then it can be unlocked. Otherwise it will be added in a future release.</p>

<p><img src=“" alt=”"/></p> </div> <div class=“each_a”> <p>@JasonBerkan gave the answer in a comment. The fourth world has not been released yet. So there is currently no way to unlock it.</p> </div></div></div></div> <div class=“each_ques”><div class=“qa”><div class=“title” md=“what-are-the-benefits-of-procreation” source=“">What are the benefits of procreation?</div><div class=“time” datestr=“2014-05-25T23:33:51”>&nbsp;</div><div class=“tags” keywords=“elona-plus”>elona-plus</div><div class=“content”>

<p>According to the <a href=“" rel=“nofollow noreferrer”>wikia</a>’s page on <a href=“" rel=“nofollow noreferrer”>Marriage and Genes</a>, reproducing and making a gene allow you to create a new character with “your current character’s inventory and some bonuses.” The page does not, however, mention what these bonuses are.</p>

<p>What are these bonuses, and other than having an easier start with a new race/class, is there any benefit to making a gene?</p> </div><div class=“ans”><div class=“each_a”> <p>It does absolutely nothing for your current character, at least not more than sleeping during the night normally does. If you make more than one gene, the later genes will replace the existing gene file for that character. Really, the primary benefit of baby-making is the inheritance of inventory. A very commonly recommended strategy for a new player is to start with an “easy” class like Warrior, that can plow through the early game and stock up stuff to pass on to a child who is of a much harder class. One interested in playing classes like a Wizard or Pianist or Tourist might consider this strategy to make it not as much of a punch-to-the-face for a first play.</p>

<p>There are limits, as explained in the article: </p>

<ul> <li>No Kitty Banks, so no passing on gobs of ludicrous early game fortune</li> <li>No Deeds, so no inheriting very nice properties</li> <li>No Figurines/Cards, these aren’t baseball cards you can just pass on to your kid</li> <li>No small medals/music tickets, as these are basically alternatives to cashmonies</li> <li>No precious items. This is the big one, as it includes all pre-generated artifacts, diaries, most goods from Miral and Garokk’s Workshop, Statues, fusion-made high potions, and about any kind of quest prize consumable that directly improves your stats (as well as hermes blood).</li> </ul>

<p>That is a fair much, but then what can you pass on? Your only limit is your weight capacity and your inventory limit (which is about 12 pages). Here’s some advice on what to think on.</p>

<ul> <li>Almost any item you can wish for. Seven league boots, vindale cloaks, astral light pens, secret experience of Kumiromi… basically you can save your new game a lot of wish usage by having this stuff already prepared.</li> <li>For that matter, rods of wishing can be passed on if you choose to save them up. Rods of domination can also be handy to pass on.</li> <li>Piles of useful potions: holy water, unholy water, cure corruption, evolution, descent, speed upper, acidproof and fireproof liquids, antiseptic, soda. As well, useful scrolls: vanish curse, growth, gain attribute, faith, (greater) enchant weapon/armor, flying, wonder. Having just such a major supply of these goods to start a new game can make a lot of the early game dangers much softer.</li> <li>Multi-use tools like a leash, stethoscope, tamer whip, fishing rod, and pot for fusion which, while moderately easy to find, can be nice to get guaranteed early. Disguise kits may also be handy, but scrolls of incognito are much lighter to stack even if they’re single use.</li> <li>Extra copies of the Rachel books for the one quest. As well, unicorn horns for a later quest are also helpful.</li> <li>Whatever ridiculous non-pregen artifacts you may have scrounged up in your journey is fair game. Plan not just for yourself, but your future allies as well!</li> <li>The six different evolution hearts can all be passed on. Guaranteed sources of God, King, Machine, and Magic Hearts are pretty late game typically, so if you save one or two up as a parent, your child can play with the results.</li> <li>Monster Balls with anything inside can be passed on to allow your progeny to have friends. High powered friends that are tens if not hundreds of levels above the starting enemy challenge. Unlike the method I’ll detail next, there are essentially no penalties to these other than the 10.0s they weigh.</li> <li>For a different approach, a carpenter can also make what is known as a <em>Soul Spindle</em>. It allows one to essentially transfer a copy of an ally. The process to use one, and the penalties to a transferred ally, <a href=“" rel=“nofollow noreferrer”>are detailed in this article</a>. While the penalties look a bit steep, this is the only way to transfer unique allies that can’t be caught in monster balls, and they do retain all of their special abilities and gene-engineering results. Stat penalties can be fixed with effort, in the long run.</li> <li>If you spent a good amount of time nabbing an altar of your own, you can also pass that on as well to save your descendent from having to figure how to haul their own. </li> </ul>

<p>Do keep in mind that inheritance items use the same colors as they were in the parent game. The same items in the new game will possibly be of a different color, so not only do these not auto-identify the versions for the new game, but they also will not <em>stack</em> with items of the same type in the new game. To this point, it’s pretty helpful to do all your blessings and such ahead of time before you sleep with your mate that night.</p>

<p>Aside from inheriting inventory, the only other “bonus” I can think of from having actual parents is that, if your parent used the <em>Secret Treasure of Lomias</em> (which is randomly dropped by Lomias the Messenger from Vindale, the jerk who kills a beggar and tries to feed you it in the game’s beginning), then you will have the <a href=“" rel=“nofollow noreferrer”>Beggar’s Pendant</a> artifact in your inventory to start. Thievery protection and the Charisma boost are actually pretty nice to start, and unlike the inherited goods you do not need to use a Deed of Heirship to acquire the pendant.</p> </div></div></div></div> <div class=“each_ques”><div class=“qa”><div class=“title” md=“what-are-the-chances-of-unboxing-a-stattrak-weapon” source=“">What are the chances of unboxing a StatTrak weapon?</div><div class=“time” datestr=“2017-09-29T07:40:18”>&nbsp;</div><div class=“tags” keywords=“counter-strike-global-offensive”>counter-strike-global-offensive</div><div class=“content”>

<p>It seems that StatTrak variants are all too rare, and sometimes hard to find. Compare this with TF2, where Strange weapons are aplenty, and unboxing one doesn’t take too much effort.</p>

<p>However, nothing in CS:GO seems to suggest any sort of “percentage” of unboxing a StatTrak weapon. Is this a factor that is affected by the item quality that a gun gets? Is it a “set” flat percentage on all weapons in the crate?</p>

<p>I haven’t seen any official documentation listing the official percentage (however, a “Unusual” item is almost always a 1% chance). What are my chances of unboxing a StatTrak?</p> </div><div class=“ans”><div class=“each_a”> <p>If we relate to the model that is shown to us when we unbox items, i think that the possible listings are shuffled and then laid in a random order but with the very valuable items in the extremities of the list. I think when a case is opened, a random number is generated somehow that it has some kind of an average number, and average weapons standing in the middle of the list. From what i’ve seen on many unbox videos on youtube, if the roll is higher (you get further in the list), there is a greater chance to get a better weapon. However there are still some common ones past the “middle” area of the list.</p>

<p>I think nothing can be said certainly, just as in Dota 2, there is no certainty that you will get at least a mythical (or unusual) from a chest with lots of rares.</p> </div> <div class=“each_a”> <p>Unboxing a StatTrak weapon is 10 times rarer than unboxing a regular weapon. The weapon chances actually aren’t random since Valve recently released the real drop rates; they are as follows:</p>

<p>Mil-Spec (Blue): 79.81% (ST = 6.99%)</p>

<p>Restricted (Purple): 16.26% (ST = 1.64%)</p>

<p>Classified (Pink): 3.15% (ST = 0.48%)</p>

<p>Covert (Red): 0.57% (ST = 0.021%)</p>

<p>Gold (Knife or Gloves): 0.21% (ST = 0.0041%)</p> </div></div></div></div> <div class=“each_ques”><div class=“qa”><div class=“title” md=“how-do-i-defeat-the-dungeon-guardian” source=“">How do I defeat the Dungeon Guardian?</div><div class=“time” datestr=“2016-01-06T07:16:19”>&nbsp;</div><div class=“tags” keywords=“terraria”>terraria</div><div class=“content”>

<p>So apparently, as of the last update, there is a special “Baby Skeletron Head” pet one can obtain by killing the <a href=“" rel=“nofollow noreferrer”>Dungeon Guardian</a>.</p>

<p>Last I checked (or died trying), I died from an instantaneous one hit kill from the Guardian.</p>

<p>How in the world am I supposed to kill the Dungeon Guardian to get his drop for the pet without dying? This seems completely impossible to me; is there any strategy to kill this guy?</p> </div><div class=“ans”><div class=“each_a”> <p><s><a href=“">Lawtonfogle's answer</a> works if you have two people, but if you want to do it solo, there are two ways:</s> <strong>Note</strong>: Lawtonfogle’s answer no longer works as of patch</p>

<ul> <li>Actually fight him. (This is now the only way as of You should use Gravitation Potions, a Megashark (preferrably Unreal), and Crystal Bullets (so that you can hit multiple times because of the shards that fly out of them). Also have Spectre Boots, so that you move as fast as possible. (Spectre Boots, unlike Hermes boots, still give you the speed boost while flying.) The new Lightning Boots would be preferable; they go even faster.</li> <li><s>Use <a href=“" rel=“nofollow noreferrer”>Turtle Armor</a> and <a href=“" rel=“nofollow noreferrer”>Black Belt</a>, and there is a chance the Black Belt will let you dodge the first hit, while still bouncing back damage. Then on the second hit, you will die, but the Guardian will die too. (Of course, there’s a very small chance that you’ll survive two hits, leaving you unharmed and one Guardian dead.)</s> <strong>Note</strong>: no longer works in The Guardians now only do 1000 damage, so it takes 10 bounce-backs to kill them. </li> </ul>

<p><a href=“" rel=“nofollow noreferrer”>source</a></p> </div></div></div></div> <div class=“each_ques”><div class=“qa”><div class=“title” md=“how-can-messages-be-appearing-on-signs-if-the-player-didnt-place-them” source=“">How can messages be appearing on signs if the player didn’t place them?</div><div class=“time” datestr=“2013-12-31T02:45:29”>&nbsp;</div><div class=“tags” keywords=“minecraft-bedrock-edition”>minecraft-bedrock-edition</div><div class=“content”>

<p>In my son’s Minecraft PE world, random signs keep appearing. One said “angels fear to tread fools rush in” [sic] and the other said “you will dide” [sic]. He found these particular signs underground after following a trail of rare rock. A misquote and a spelling mistake suggest it’s someone playing around. But I know it wasn’t him because he was slightly freaked out…</p>

<p>How does this happen? Thanks :)</p>

<p>Here are three screenshots:</p>

<p><img src=“" alt=“Screenshot”/> <img src=“" alt=“Screenshot”/> <img src=“" alt=“Screenshot”/></p> </div><div class=“ans”><div class=“each_a”> <p>Your son and daughter are playing on a Local Area Network. If your wifi is not password protected, someone could easily log on and edit your world.</p> </div></div></div></div> <div class=“each_ques”><div class=“qa”><div class=“title” md=“bail-bond-mission-gta-5” source=“">Bail bond mission GTA 5</div><div class=“time” datestr=“2016-07-16T06:56:26”>&nbsp;</div><div class=“tags” keywords=“grand-theft-auto-5”>grand-theft-auto-5</div><div class=“content”>

<p>I was doing the bail bond mission with Trevor and found the second character Maude requested but on engaging his gang members i accidentally killed him, I know there is a way to replay all the main missions, strangers and freaks etc but is there a way to replay this bail bond mission?</p> </div><div class=“ans”><div class=“each_a”> <p>According to the info from GTA forums and players it would seem that there is no way to replay the bail bond missions. </p>

<p>So if you want the achievement of returning one of them alive, you should be careful and save before the missions. You only need to return one of them alive to get the achievement/trophy. <a href=“" rel=“nofollow noreferrer”>Here’s a thread about the bail bond missions.</a></p> </div> <div class=“each_a”> <p>According to the info from this forums and players, it would seem that there is no way to replay the <a href=“" rel=“nofollow noreferrer”>Bail Bond</a> missions. So if you want the achievement of returning one of them alive, you should be careful and save before the missions. You only need to return one of them alive to get the achievement/trophy.</p> </div></div></div></div> <div class=“each_ques”><div class=“qa”><div class=“title” md=“tf2-stutters-with-high-fps-low-ping” source=“">TF2 stutters with high FPS, low ping</div><div class=“time” datestr=“2013-10-10T21:40:09”>&nbsp;</div><div class=“tags” keywords=“technical-issues+team-fortress-2”>technical-issues+team-fortress-2</div><div class=“content”>

<p>I recently acquired a second monitor and installed it with an HDMI cable. Since then TF2 has been choppy, even though I have high FPS and a low ping. Does anyone know how to fix this problem? My guess is its something to do with the second monitor. I have a GTX 760 that outputs to both monitors. </p>

<p>Specs: i5-4670k, 8 GB RAM, Windows 7. That should be everything relevant to this problem. </p> </div><div class=“ans”><div class=“each_a”> <p><strong>Try turning off the Aero theme and seeing if your performance improves.</strong></p>

<p>A somewhat common issue with some NVidia video cards on Windows 7 with multiple monitors is that the Aero theme can cause display lag/stuttering.</p>

<p><strong>Guide for turning off the Aero theme:</strong></p>

<ol> <li>Start Button &gt; Control Panel &gt; Personalization</li> <li>Select any of the themes in the Basic And High Contrast Themes category.</li> </ol>

<p><strong>Visual guide for turning off the Aero theme:</strong> (scroll down to the Windows 7 section) <a href=“" rel=“nofollow noreferrer”></a></p> </div></div></div></div> <div class=“each_ques”><div class=“qa”><div class=“title” md=“how-do-you-make-a-local-lan-server-in-minecraft” source=“">How do you make a local (LAN) server in minecraft?</div><div class=“time” datestr=“2020-09-01T21:42:52”>&nbsp;</div><div class=“tags” keywords=“minecraft-java-edition”>minecraft-java-edition</div><div class=“content”>

<p>I went to multiplayer and pressed “New Server” I entered the name I want it to be and the address. I pressed done but it said “hostname not available”</p> </div><div class=“ans”><div class=“each_a”> <p>“New Server” doesn’t create a server; it just lets you add one to the list of servers you connect to regularly.</p>

<p>To create a server, you have to run the server executable, “Minecraft_Server.exe” or “minecraft_server.jar”. Detailed instructions can be found on <a href=“" rel=“noreferrer”>the minecraft wiki</a> if you need more help getting set up or run into performance issues. If you are running the server on the same machine as the client, you can connect to “localhost” as the server address, or your own IP address. </p> </div> <div class=“each_a”> <p>If you want to create a LAN server to play with your buddies connected on the same network, create a single player world, then from the pause screen, select ‘Open to LAN’, as pictured below.</p>

<p><img src=“" alt=“enter image description here”/></p> </div></div></div></div> <div class=“each_ques”><div class=“qa”><div class=“title” md=“why-cant-i-join-on-minecraft-pe” source=“">Why can’t I join on minecraft pe</div><div class=“time” datestr=“2015-08-18T05:58:02”>&nbsp;</div><div class=“tags” keywords=“minecraft-bedrock-edition”>minecraft-bedrock-edition</div><div class=“content”>

<p>I’m at a hotel and I have Internet, obviously because I’m on this website. But anyways I can’t join my friends game. Both of our local server option is on. I don’t understand why it’s not working. 0.75</p> </div><div class=“ans”><div class=“each_a”> <p>This is because the hotel’s WiFi has something called Wireless Isolation within SSID disabled and this is why you can’t find each other’s server. Wireless Isolation within SSID is when computers or devices can see other computers connected via LAN but not able to see other computers connected via WLAN.</p> </div> <div class=“each_a”> <p>WiFis other than those that are generated by private routers frequently have settings which disable any multiplayer usage. This is really unavoidable, if you have an iDevice, you can set up a Personal Hot Spot. Otherwise, if you’re in a hotel, just wait it out until you get home.</p> </div></div></div></div> <div class=“each_ques”><div class=“qa”><div class=“title” md=“how-does-car-ownership-work-in-gta-online” source=“">How does car ownership work in GTA Online?</div><div class=“time” datestr=“2013-10-11T12:35:37”>&nbsp;</div><div class=“tags” keywords=“grand-theft-auto-online”>grand-theft-auto-online</div><div class=“content”>

<p>So I bought my first garage in GTA Online but I have no idea what it’s used for. </p>

<p>I read that I can buy cars online, but if a car that I buy gets destroyed, do I have to buy a new one? </p>

<p>If I leave a purchased (uninsured) car on the street is it gone forever? </p>

<p>If I put a tracker on it, does it replace my old tracker?</p>

<p>I stole an army Jeep and tried to put it in the garage and it said that vehicle couldn’t be stored there, but I drove it to a garage and was able to put a tracker on it and insure it. Does that mean I own it?</p> </div><div class=“ans”><div class=“each_a”> <p>Installing a tracker allows you to see your car on the map. You can install a tracker at LS Customs, or you can get a free one when you store the car in your garage. </p>

<p>A tracked car can still be totaled or stolen. If this happens you are out of luck. Buying full coverage on your car at LS Customs gets around this. If the car is lost or stolen you can call up the insurance company and file a claim to get it back. </p>

<p>Each garage can hold a set amount of cars(between 2 and 10). Most cars you can steal can be stored in the garage. The game is a little restrictive on the high end cars-you have to buy them. I haven’t tested it, but I assume you probably won’t be able to store the bigger vehicles like semis and cargo trucks either. Physically they are probably too big to fit in the internal volume of the garages(at least the 2-car one I currently own)</p>

<p>Another bonus of the garage is you get a mechanic who can deliver a car from your garage to you anywhere on the map for $ 50.
