

  • March 2, 2012

在 Prinny 2: Dawn of Operation Panties 中,Dood!除了難度和您在哪個記分牌上排名之外,難度是否會影響其他任何因素?EG 它是否會改變結局或使任何事件發生的可能性增加/減少?

奇怪的是,我在查找這到底是什麼的時候偶然發現了這個問題的答案。來自遊戲的 Destructoid 評論

$$ Note: I played most of Prinny 2 on the easiest difficulty, as the harder difficulties offer no special rewards or unlockables. I would recommend that most of you do the same, as my time with the the harder difficulties added nothing to my experience but additional frustration. $$
