什麼是 Playstation 追求卓越?
我今天讀到一篇文章說,如果您在 PS3 或 PS4 上完成“追求偉大”,您將獲得一些免費的 PSone 遊戲。
基本上,QfG 是 PlayStation 通過免費內容激勵使用者來宣傳他們未充分利用的服務的一種方式。
PlayStation 的官方 YouTube 頻道發布了這些關於他們的 Quest for Greatness (QfG) 的影片:
QfG is an episodic miniquest series (1 and 2 are out and we are expecting a third and more installments). It is made to promote the almost forgotten PlayStation Home. To help bring new life to PS Home QfG offers incentives such as free games and ingame content. All QfG gameplay is free and can be reached through PlayStation home.
A PlayStation employee on the forums recently posted about QfG2 (including a voucher code and a walkthrough), inviting people to share their experiences on the thread.