Quake 3 帶有機器人的私人伺服器
- 啟動 7 個機器人(工作正常)
- 最多允許 4 個人加入(工作正常)
- 要求所有人的密碼(不工作)
//set Maximum number of clients - we have overhead of 7 bots included here sv_maxclients 11 sv_privateClients 4 sv_privatePassword "******"
似乎正在發生的事情是 4 個機器人填充了私人插槽,因為當我在我的收藏夾列表中查看伺服器時,它顯示“3/7”參與者。
如果我將所有插槽設為私有(最多 11 個,私有 11 個),它會顯示“0/0”參與者(儘管我所有的機器人都加入)並且我收到“伺服器已滿”消息。
更新: 完整的伺服器配置和版本資訊
//set Gametype to 4 for Capture the Flag Mode g_gametype 4 //Capture The Flag settings below //set timelimit. Timelimit of 30 is default for CTF. Set to 0 for no limit. timelimit 30 //set frag capture limit before level changes. Set to 0 for no limit (Default: 8) //capturelimit 8 //turn on friendly fire. Friendlyfire off is default for CTF. 1=on //g_friendlyFire 0 //set host name that shows up in server list. Change below to your server name preference and remove the // sv_hostname "My CTF Server" //set message of the day that players see while connecting to the server. Must be set before level loads. Change below to your message of the day preference and remove the // //g_motd "Happy Capturing!" //set Maximum number of clients - we have overhead of 7 bots included here sv_maxclients 11 g_needpass 1 g_password "*******" //set remote console password used by client rconpassword "*******" //set max allowable rate for a client. 8000 to 10000 recommended. Max: 25000 (Default: 0) sv_maxRate 10000 //turn on/off pak cheat check. 1=on, 0=off (Default: 1) sv_pure 0 //Set map selection, cycle order, and start first map for Capture The Flag set d1 "devmap q3ctf1 ; set nextmap vstr d2" set d2 "devmap q3ctf2 ; set nextmap vstr d3" set d3 "devmap q3ctf3 ; set nextmap vstr d4" set d4 "devmap q3ctf4 ; set nextmap vstr d5" set d5 "devmap q3ctf5 ; set nextmap vstr d1" vstr d1 //set voting. 1=on, 0=off (Default: 1) g_allowvote 1 //set power multiples for quad damage (Default: 3) g_quadfactor 4 //syncronous clients is necessary to allow client demo recording. Setting to 1 allows recording but play is not smooth and is not recommended for normal use. (Default: 0) g_syncronousClients 0 // add bots addbot uriel 3 blue 50 Uriel addbot anarki 3 blue 50 Anarki addbot bitterman 3 blue 50 Bitterman addbot lucy 3 blue 50 Lucy addbot sorlag 3 red 50 Sorlag addbot grunt 3 red 50 Grunt addbot xaero 3 red 50 Xaero // fun give all
Q3 1.32b linux-i386 Nov 14 2002
g_needpass 1 g_password "myquake3arenaserverrocks"
而不是您的 sv_privateClients/sv_privatePassword 行。這將使所有連接的人類客戶端都需要知道密碼。我認為輸入密碼以加入伺服器是 GUI 的一部分,並且會自動提示使用者輸入密碼。
如果您確定要使用私有插槽,我相信如果您設置了 sv_privatePassword,並且剩下的所有插槽都是私有插槽,那麼您必須拉下控制台並輸入:
/password "myprivatepassword"
在連接到伺服器之前。您也可以將其放在配置中或命令行中。(在命令行上是 +set password myprivatepassword)