

  • March 13, 2014

銀行的櫃員提供了投資 20 美元的機會。兩次我都這樣做了,他講述了一系列複雜的可疑合法交易,然後以適當的同情語氣通知我,我的錢已經花光了。


… aaand 它並沒有消失,事實證明!


雖然我沒想到會得到我的初始 $ 20 investment I made near the start of the game back, when I first beat him he had $ 30 對他。所以我很快重新載入了自動保存,投資了另一個 $ 20, beat him, and his body had $ 60!

投資上限為 $ 60; he will take more, but it will not increase the loot beyond $ 90. 這似乎與他投資策略的變化數大致一致,所以一旦他宣稱你是一個經驗豐富且成熟的投資者,就不要再投資了。銀行家在您擊敗他後不會重生,因此這是一次性提款。

正如@LessPop_MoreFizz 在評論中指出的那樣,他的戰利品的基本價值是你總投資的 150%(最多 $ 90), you can further increase it by equipping armor and patches that increase money rewards. So by equipping the full pre-order assassin set, and a bunch of magnet type patches (Small Magnets, Buckyball Magnets), you can increase the return on your investments to $ 150!
