在《超級瑪利歐 64》的城堡外有一門大砲,但它被鎖定了!大砲靠近海灘上的水。
我相信你說的是超級瑪利歐 64城堡外的大砲——這門大砲會把你帶到一個秘密區域,但前提是你已經擁有了 120 顆星星。
Yoshi 在城堡的頂部,如果你爬上去,他會給你帶來許多額外的生命 :)
There is another way to enter the cannon which involves a glitch, so if you haven’t gotten all 120 stars you can still get in. There is a tree near where the cannon is which happens to be slightly buried under the terrain. What you need to do is to jump dive and catch the tree at the base such that half of mario’s body clips under the terrain. Then just drop down from the tree, the water layer for the lake extends far from the basin so you won’t fall out of the map. All you have to do now is swim to the cannon and you should be able to enter it.