

  • April 6, 2015

以下是TF2 wiki 上Axtinguisher頁面的瑣事部分:

儘管使用衝鋒靶的火焰兵和爆破手對後燃俱有抗性,但如果在抗性生效之前命中連接,它們可能會被 Axtinguisher 暴擊。

現在,我知道如何使用信號槍對這些對手造成致命傷害:只需按住 M1(按住按鈕),然後向下滾動。


然而,當我嘗試用 Axtinguisher 做同樣的事情時(使用近戰鍵,而不是向下滾動),不會發生致命一擊。

現在,為什麼這對 Axtinguisher 不起作用?滿足相同的條件,所以我肯定應該(從後面)造成嚴重傷害。


我已經用固定的 Pyros 試過了tr_walkway,但 Degreaser-Axtinguisher 組合不起作用。

然而,我注意到,如果我的隊友用他的火焰噴射器連續轟炸一個敵人的火焰兵,而我在此期間用 Axtinguisher 從後面擊中敵人,它將獲得致命一擊。



這是一個流行的 TF2 youtuber sketchek 的例子:

In the video you’ll notice that from a high distance (which is much easier to get critical axtinguisher kills on enemy pyro), he jumps down, shoots the flamethrower down. Since it has travel time, the pyro is travelling at roughly the same speed as the flames. By the time he’s nearly all the way down, he has axtinguisher out and ready to melee the pyro. When he hits the bottom, the flames have hit the Pyro but not triggered afterburn immunity, allowing you to crit the pyro.

This doesn’t have to be done while airborned, as you can see from the second video you can critflare on pyros who are being airblasted upwards if you time it correctly.
