CS:GO 中的周期性 FPS 下降
我的遊戲內 FPS 每隔幾秒就會從 ~200 下降到 ~20。遊戲開始完美,一開始執行流暢,在地圖更改後它總是開始 FPS 下降並且在我重新啟動遊戲之前不會好轉。
除了地圖變化之外,它還有很多觸發器,有時當我用 ESC 打開主菜單時它開始下降,有時當我附近彈出閃光手榴彈時,或者我視野中的任何煙霧都可以觸發效果(用狙擊手放大煙霧,站在煙霧中,高爆手榴彈後的粒子)。
我通常有一個很好的遊戲內 fps(在 200 到 300 之間),但有時當我打開 ESC 菜單、冒煙或我在上一條消息中詳述的任何其他原因時,我的 fps 在 2 秒內降至 20,然後它恢復正常 3-4 秒,然後再次降至 20 FPS 2 秒,然後再次恢復正常。它重複這個循環,直到我重新開始我的整個遊戲。如果延遲在遊戲中開始並且我退出到主菜單,則 fps 下降仍然存在,並且間隔相同。
我不會在後台執行任何其他程序,只是 Steam 和 CS:GO。
I tried:
- Reinstalling CS:GO
- Updating all of my drivers
- Completely remove GPU driver with DDU, then install newest, and 3 older driver versions
- Reinstall operating system (Win10)
- Disabling anti-virus, firewall
- Running CS:GO in different compatibility options
- Tweaked with my CS:GO settings, launch options, NVIDIA settings
- Checked my power management settings
My laptop configuration:
- Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5500 CPU @ 2.40GHz, 2397 Mhz, 2 Cores, 4 Logical Processors
- RAM: 8 GB
- GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GT940M 2GB
- Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit build 15063
I would really appreciate some help resolving the issue, it really has a huge negative effect on the gaming experience. During a competitive match usually I have to restart my game atleast 3 times, but my worst case have been 8 restarts during only 1 game.
In your case it’s very likely that your laptop is overheating. When that happens it will throttle the performance (as you already figured), which results in those lag spikes.
You can try to…
- Lower the graphics settings
- Get a cooler
There are more options, but as it seems you have already tried everything.
One thing I would suggest is making sure you have the correct Nvidia 3d settings. This mainly means the maximum amount of prerendered frames is one. I doubt this is to do with your general settings and rather a very specific issue since you seem to be getting good fps otherwise.
One test you could do is see if the game performs well while removing certain parts of the HUD or remove it entirely as the menu and HUD are both related.
Also try unparking the cores and use some of the startup commands(in steam) such as
-tickrate 128 -console -novid +cl_forcepreload 1 -nod3d9ex1
This will help preload the map and help you tab in faster and generally minimise what disturbances can do.