
是否有“所有故障”Speedrun 之類的東西?

  • June 11, 2022






  1. 您必須維護一個包含遊戲中所有故障的列表。每次發現新故障時,您都需要將其添加到列表中。
  2. 一些故障可能會結束遊戲,因此在此之後將無法執行任何故障。


例如, **Any%**是一個類別,您可以在其中以任何必要的方式完成遊戲。這意味著玩家很可能會使用任何故障來縮短他們的遊戲時間。當學分滾動時,遊戲完成。

資料來源: speedrunning 的解釋 - Reddit.com

在實踐中,如果它存在並且不僅僅是 Any%,則 Low% 類別通常涉及大量的故障利用,對於某些遊戲,它是“所有故障”的合理近似值,因為它通常包含大部分或全部“有趣”的故障。

這是《超級瑪利歐 64》中這種現象的一個具體例子:

癲癇警告:影片從 8:28 到 8:44 快速閃爍。

This video is a tool-assisted speedrun of the star “Stomp on the Thwomp” in Tick-Tock Clock, pressing the A button only twice (it is not currently known whether the star can be completed with fewer A presses). By my estimate, it contains at least all of the following glitches, just to get one star:

  • Chuckya (RNG) manipulation
  • Object (Goomba) cloning
  • HOLP manipulation
  • HOLP preservation (pause-buffered hitstun)
  • More cloning (coins etc.)
  • Star dance clip
  • Cog (RNG) manipulation
  • Hyperspeed grinding
  • Pendulum and clock hand (RNG) manipulation
  • Pedro spot
  • Vertical speed conservation

(Read the description on YouTube for a detailed account of exactly what the speedrun is doing, and consult Ukikipedia for more information if desired.)

This isn’t all the glitches in Super Mario 64, by any means, but it is a good selection of interesting glitches, and most of the other well-known glitches are used elsewhere in the A-button challenge, with the exception of those that specifically depend on pressing the A button, such as the infamous backwards long-jump. Another example of a Low% run that has lots of interesting glitches is Super Mario Odyssey’s minimum captures route.

(The Goomba cloning is not actually optimal, so it could be removed from the run, but other objects are still cloned at various points.)
