地圖興趣點頂部/底部/左側/右側的黃色條表示什麼?我注意到 0、1 和 2 條。如下面螢幕截圖中突出顯示的遭遇(藍色三角形)以及右側的電話錄音所示。
它似乎是從螢幕中心顯示在 POI 對面的標記(至少在 PC 版本上。)
我拍了一段簡短的影片,在這裡,你可以看到。當我四處移動地圖時,請注意,這些點會四處移動,因此它們始終位於 POI 與我的螢幕中心相對的一側。除了裝飾之外,它們似乎沒有任何用途。
Tldr :Those are markers to help you navigate. Use the corresponding arrow keys (bar on right = right arrow, etc.) to select that icon. Info : You will probably encounter icons that you can’t reach using the mouse from time to time. It can be frustrating if you want to fast travel to them. Fortunately, using the arrows keys, you can select and navigate through those icons. Those markers indicate which icon you will select using the corresponding arrow key.