

  • November 6, 2013

在上古捲軸 III:晨風中,玩家可以加入的幾個派係是相互排斥的,最值得注意的是 Telvaani、Redoran 和 Hlaalu 三大家族。雖然我熟悉每個人的一般傾向(Telvaani 是法師、Redoran 戰士、Hlaalu 盜賊),並且我知道一般建議是“當有疑問時,選擇 Telvaani”,因為獎勵通常被認為是優越的,而 Telvaani 是也是一些優秀模組內容的基礎。




值得慶幸的是,您只關心“Telvaani、Redoran 和 Hlaalu 三大家族”和吸血鬼部落,因為輸入遊戲中每個派系的完整列表超過了答案的字元數限制。幸好只有 95 個大宅任務和 6 個吸血鬼任務。

我輸入了所有任務和獎勵,因為“稀有”可以適用於許多魔法物品、捲軸和技能書。由於任務物品在技術上是獨一無二的,因為它們通常只有一個,我在適用的情況下註明(#)這些。獨特的物品也被註明(*)。人工製品被注意到(!)。僅記錄了該任務專有或該任務所需的物品。作為參考,他參考了 wiki 的Unique ArmorUnique WeaponsUnique ClothingQuest ItemsWeapon ArtifactsArmor ArtifactsClothing Artifacts頁面,這些頁面與您可能會得到一個很棒的東西列表一樣接近。

* preceded quests can be accessed outside of the faction
*Unique Item*   #Quest Item#    !Artifact!
 Quest                                     Reward

 Stronghold                                Stronghold
 Disguise                                  500 gold and #Native Gah-Julan Bonemold Helm#
 Alchemical Formulas                       None
 Inanius Egg Mine                          500 gold or 1000 gold or 1500 gold
 Guar Hide Squeeze                         1000 gold
 Delivery for Bivale Teneran               500 gold and Extravagant Pants and Exquisite Shirt
* The Death of Ralen Hlaalo                 1000 gold
 Epony Trade                               1000 gold and Glass Boots and Glass Greaves and Glass Cuirass
* Bank Courier                              50 gold
* Murudius Flaeus's Debt                    543 gold
 Escort Tarvyn Faren                       500 gold
 Telvanni at Odirniran                     500 gold or 1000 gold
 Exterminator                              1 gold or 1000 gold
 Ashlander Ebony                           1000 gold
 The Shipwreck 'Prelude'                   500 gold (#Daedric Wakizashi# is turned in)
 Guard Ralen Tilvur                        1000 gold
 An Admiring Sponsor                       Sponsorship
 Sealed Orders                             100 or 500 gold
 The Caldera Spy                           500 gold or 1000 gold or 1000 gold and 2 Scroll of Golnara's Eye-Maze and 2 Scroll of The Fourth Barrier
 Erroneous Documents                       *Amulet of Domination* or Murdrum Ring or 2 Scroll of Uth's Hand of Heaven and 2 Scroll of The Black Storm and 2 Scroll of Tranasa's Spelltwist
 Rent and Taxes                            -100 gold or None or 100 gold or 400 gold or 500 gold
 Shipment of Ebony                         500 gold or Dire Shardbolt Ring
 Velfred the Outlaw                        500 gold or 1000 gold
 Kill Banden Indarys                       1000 gold
 Bero's Support                            None
 Kill Reynel Uvirith                       1000 gold
 Literacy Campaign                         None
* The Twin Lamps                            None
* Free Hides-His-Foot                       None
 Control the Ordinators                    None (#Robe of St Roris# turned in)
 Dealing with Orvas Dren                   Promotion to Grandmaster in the Hlaalu faction
 Stronghold                                Stronghold
* Mudcrab Pests                             2 Hackle-Lo Leaf
 Deliver Cure Disease Potion               None
 Founder's Helm                            None (#Redoran Founder's Helm# is turned in)
* Trouble with Bandits                      2 Hackle-Lo Leaf
 Guard Sarethi Manor                       200 gold
 Old Blue Fin                              10 Dreugh Wax
 Ashimanu Mine                             None
 Kagouti Den                               None
 Shishi Report                             None
 Kill Gordol                               *Enchanted Ebony Spear*
 Rescue Varvur Sarethi                     Promotion in the Redoran faction
 Clear Varvur Sarethi's Name               None (#Suspicious Ash Statue# is turned in)
 Ondres Nerano's Slanders                  None
 Shurinbaal                                None
 The Mad Lord of Milk                      Ebony Closed Helm (#Delyna's Locket# is turned in)
 Duel with Bolvyn Venim                    Promotion to Archmaster in the Redoran faction
 Ash Statue                                4 Quality Restore Health Potions and 1 Cure Blight Disease Potion and 1 Cure Common Disease Potion
 Find Fedris Tharen                        1 Cure Common Disease Potions or 4 Cure Common Disease Potions
* Find Beden Giladren                       None
 Recover Shields from Andasreth            #Redoran Banner Shield#
 Mission to Morvayn Manor                  Amulet of Mighty Blows (#Morvayn Ash Statue# is turned in)
 Evidence of Corruption                    None
 Shut the Mines Down                       Ebony Boots
 Taxes from Gnisis                         None
 Nalvilie Saren                            None
 Miner Arobar's Support                    *Arobar's Amulet* and Redoran Master Helm
* Meril Hlaano's Slanders                   Holy Shield
 Redas Tomb                                None (#Redas War Axe# and #Redas Robe of Deeds# and #Redas Goblet# are turned in, but will be given back once promoted to Archmaster)
 Duel of Honor                             None
 Slay Dagoth Tanis                         Ancestor's Ring (#Nervion Ancestor Ring# is turned in)
 Slay Reynel Uvirith                       None
 Slay Raynasa Rethan                       None
 Escort to Koal Cave                       Steel Firesword
 Armor Repair Debts                        Glass Frostsword
 Stronghold                                Stronghold
 Muck                                      Cure Common Disease Spell
 Black Jinx                                Demoralize Humanoid Spell and Demoralize Creature Spell (#Black Jinx# is turned in)
 Sload Soap                                250 gold or 500 gold
 Staff of the Silver Dawn                  Glass Jinkblade and Blind Spell (*Silver Staff* is turned in)
 New Clothes                               500 gold and Mark Spell and Recall Spell (#Therana's Skirt# is turned in)
 Slave Rebellion                           Firestorm Ring and/or Toxic Cloud Ring or Command Creature Spell and Command Humanoid Spell
 Dwemer Books                              *Ondusi's Key* and *Amulet of Admonition* and Second Barrier Belt and *Surefeet*
 Dahrk Mezalf                              Dwemer Shock Centurion Guard and Ring of Lightning Storm
 Three Questions for Baladas Demnevanni    None or 3 Messenger Scrolls
 Mission to Nchuleft                       *Gothren's Cephalopod Helm*
 Coded Message                             500 gold (you get 7 Healing Potions and 4 Water Walking Potions and 4 Swift Swim Potions that you may need to use)
 Cure Blight                               500 gold
 Daedra Skin                               300 gold and Paralysis Spell
 Auriel's Bow                              *Daedric Cuirass* and *Daedric Greaves* or 11,111 gold (!Auriel's Bow! is turned in)
 Flesh Made Whole                          Amulet of Spell Absorption and 4 Summon Golden Saint Scrolls (Female only) (*Amulet of Flesh Made Whole* is turned in)
 Drake's Pride                             10 gold (#Robe of the Drake's Pride# is turned in)
 Baladas Demnevanni                        Silver Staff of Peace and Promotion to Aryon's Mouth in the Telvanni faction
 Mudan-Mul Egg Mine                        Alteration Skill Book
 Wizard Spells                             Destruction Skill Book
 Odirniran                                 7 Milyn Faram's Scrolls and *Silver Staff of Hunger* and Illusion Skill Book
 Mages Guild Monopoly                      *Aryon's Dominator*
 Shishi                                    Alteration Skill Book and Destruction Skill Book and Silver Staff of War
 Recruit a Mouth                           *Aryon's Helper* and Promotion to Wizard in the Telvanni faction
 Kill Raynasa Rethan                       None
 Kill Banden Indarys                       None
 Archmagister Gothren                      Promotion to Archmagister
 Ring of Equity                            *Ring of Equity*
 Amulet of Unity                           *Amulet of Unity*
 Blood Ties                                Services in Ashmelech and #Aundae Signet Ring# (#Sinyaramen's Potion# is turned in, but you can get infinite amounts wearing the ring)
 The Vampire Hunter                        *Aundae Amulet* and *Light of Day* (as loot when not vampire) and *Darksun Shield* (as loot) and access to Aundae cattle
 The Blood of the Quarra                   Services in Galom Daeus (#Blood of the Quarra Masters# is turned in)
 The Vampire Merta                         *Berne Amulet* and access to Berne cattle
 The Cult of Lord Irarak                   1000 gold and Services in Druscashti
 The Quarra Amulet                         *Quarra Amulet* and access to Quarra cattle


