

  • July 27, 2014





Uplink experiments to find best active-trace-resistant path:    

time to get kicked off connection to Uplink Test Machine by active trace after starting to log in with known account admin/rosebud:    

when routing thru one other server, changing the server:
31, 35, 36, 37, 33; 31 secs thru UPAS (straight path)
25, 27, 24; 26 secs thru UIB (out of the way)
34, 32, 31, 34 secs thru INIC (a little less out of the way)
33, 31, 34 secs thru INIC after get admin access    

when routing thru three other servers, changing the order:
81, 75, 81, 80, 73 secs thru UPAS, UISS, UIB (straight path)
73, 80, 80, 77, 82 secs thru UIB, UISS, UPAS (path doubles back)    

for these experiments, I did not control for:
time spent on any screens before triggering active trace – connection screen, intro screen, admin login screen before and after filling in password    

server locations were all the same in each experiment, but I know they change between games, so only my descriptions of their locations remain

我還嘗試查找確定您的活動跟踪時間的原始碼。跟踪的進度是用in的 來衡量traceprogress的。更新跟踪進度的程式碼位於方法、和。我認為 中的這段程式碼測量了跟踪鏈中每個單獨步驟的時間,表明節點之間的距離不是一個因素:Connection``trunk/uplink/src/world/connection.cpp``Player``trunk/uplink/src/world/player.cpp``TimeRemaining``TimeToTrace``Update``TimeToTrace

int Player::TimeToTrace ( char *tracerIP, char *routerIP )

   VLocation *tracer = game->GetWorld ()->GetVLocation (tracerIP);
   UplinkAssert (tracer);
   Computer *comp = tracer->GetComputer ();
   UplinkAssert (comp);

   int timetonexttrace = comp->tracespeed;

   // Modifiers to the time to next trace

   int playeraccesslevel = game->GetWorld ()->GetPlayer ()->HasAccount ( routerIP );

   if ( playeraccesslevel == -1 && tracer->GetComputer ()->traceaction > COMPUTER_TRACEACTION_FINE ) {
       timetonexttrace = (int) ( timetonexttrace * TRACESPEED_MODIFIER_NOACCOUNT );
   else if ( playeraccesslevel == 1 ) {
       timetonexttrace = (int) ( timetonexttrace * TRACESPEED_MODIFIER_ADMINACCESS );
   else if ( playeraccesslevel != -1 ) {
       timetonexttrace = (int) ( timetonexttrace * TRACESPEED_MODIFIER_HASACCOUNT );

   if ( playeraccesslevel != -1 && tracer->GetComputer ()->TYPE == COMPUTER_TYPE_CENTRALMAINFRAME ) {
       timetonexttrace = (int) ( timetonexttrace * COMPUTER_TYPE_CENTRALMAINFRAME );

   if ( playeraccesslevel == 1 && tracer->GetComputer ()->TYPE == COMPUTER_TYPE_PUBLICBANKSERVER ) {
       timetonexttrace = (int) ( timetonexttrace * TRACESPEED_MODIFIER_PUBLICBANKSERVERADMIN );

   if ( timetonexttrace < 2 ) timetonexttrace = 2;

   return timetonexttrace;

