如何讓我的《戰地 1942》免費 Origin 副本執行
Origin 帳戶有一個免費版本的 Battlefield 1942 可供下載並通過他們的軟體進行遊戲,但是當我嘗試執行它時,我得到了 Microsoft 的耐心圈(滑鼠圈顯示活動),但隨後它消失了,遊戲/origin 不起作用任何事物。
我嘗試關閉防病毒和防火牆並以管理員身份執行 Origin 和 Battle,但不起作用。
我在 Acer Aspire 5755G 上使用 NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M 執行 Windows 7 64Bit Ultimate 8GB RAM。一切都更新了。
嘗試一:在Windows 98兼容模式下以管理員身份執行遊戲
在您的戰地 1942 文件夾中,右鍵點擊 BF1942.exe -> 轉到兼容性選項卡
- 勾選“以兼容模式執行此程序”並選擇Windows 98
- 勾選“以管理員身份執行”
- 點擊確定
兼容模式應該可以解決崩潰問題,但有時 Punkbuster 不喜歡它並在加入後幾秒鍾啟動您。如果是這種情況,請關閉兼容模式並繼續嘗試 2。
請注意,如果您在 Origin 版本的遊戲中遇到崩潰,建議您使用此方法。如果 Windows 98 不能解決問題,也建議您嘗試其他兼容模式。
嘗試 2:Pixel-Fighter Windows Vista/7 更新檔
BF42 Player Grabbi(Forgotten Hope Mod 粉絲社區 Pixel-Fighter 的伺服器管理員/創建者)開發了一個更新檔程序,該更新檔程序更改了一些遊戲文件和系統資料庫項,以修復崩潰並消除 Windows Vista/Windows 7 中對兼容模式的需求(從而修復了 Punkbuster因為它踢)。它還增加了一些寬屏解析度(高達 1600x1200)並降低了一些報告的 Windows Vista/7 上異常高的 ping。這應該是最後的手段,因為它會永久更改 Windows 系統資料庫項和遊戲文件。
我認為這是一個 secuROM(過時的安全 DRM 檢查器)問題。我認為微軟禁用了允許 secuROM 執行並檢查您是否擁有該遊戲的 Windows 部分。由於它無法執行,我認為遊戲無法執行,因為它從未從軟體中得到確認是或否。
我也遇到了這個問題,大約一年前我找到了一個關於如何解決它的影片,但 YouTube 已經決定將其刪除。我發現有幫助的另一個影片:
This video details one way of counter-acting the problem. Another way is just deleting some KB update from your computer that Microsoft has distributed, but that would leave your computer open to viruses that exploit the old DRM checker.
You have two options for fixing/solving this problem (both of these methods solve the problem for the physical disc copies of the game and the virtual downloaded versions from Origin or elsewhere online):
Option 1:
Step 1: You open cmd (command prompt on windows) with administrative privileges, and type in “sc start secdrv” (exactly how you see it, and yes an extra space could mess it up) and press enter.
Step 2: Try opening the game up now with administrative privileges. If it works, congratulations! If it doesn’t try researching another solution to the problem of secuROM.
Step 3: After you close the game you need to reopen cmd with administrative privileges and type “sc stop secdrv” to stop the process, so you are less likely to get a virus from leaving secuROM on.
Option 2:
You can open the registry editor and delete the Microsoft security patch (It will forever leave your PC vunerable to viruses, but at least you don’t have to worry about starting and stopping the secuROM process.)
This website link details how to perform both options:
As far as I can tell, the actions needed to start, stop and delete the update work on safeDisk (another form of old DRM software) and secuROM.
Sorry if this was a little long, but I wanted to provide as much information and as many solutions as possible to this problem since it took me 1 full day of research for me to figure out why my disk copy wasn’t starting after a Microsoft update.