我的 Rock Band 2 無線 Fender 吉他控制器最近停止接受彈撥桿上的向下敲擊和吉他 D-pad 上的等效方向。這把吉他大約 18 個月大。我在網上閱讀了幾篇文章,表明它可能是彈撥桿上的微動開關,但這似乎不適合 D-pad 也無效。
我幫一個朋友修了他的 Rockband 吉他……這很簡單……但是我們不得不從彈奏桿上切下一點塑膠!…但它有效。
I had a guitar with this same problem and it turned out to be a loose internal connection. There’s a point in the internal wiring where the wires from the strumbar and the D-pad come together, and downstream from that point there was a loose connector with one pin that both signals passed through so neither would register. I recall that I didn’t have to do any soldering to fix it - I fiddled with the multi-pin connector and shoved it more tightly into its slot, and that fixed it.
You might have the same problem, or you might have a broken wire in that area. But the key is: at some point the signal from those two inputs is carried on the same wire, and your problem is likely in that area.